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俄罗斯研发超级机器人 会开车以后还将上太空工作-Kaiyun·yunkai(中国)官方网站·IOS/手机版APP下载/APP

2024-10-21 06:48:02 点击量:455

本文摘要:These are the first images of the prototype humanoid robot Vladimir Putin hopes will conquer the moon for Russia.这些就是被普京寄予厚望、将代表俄罗斯吞并月球的人形机器人的首批原型照片。

These are the first images of the prototype humanoid robot Vladimir Putin hopes will conquer the moon for Russia.这些就是被普京寄予厚望、将代表俄罗斯吞并月球的人形机器人的首批原型照片。The cyber cosmonaut will be sent to the International Space Station ahead of tackling more ambitious tasks on the lunar landscape.这位“俄罗斯网络宇航员”将被送到国际空间站,之后还将已完成更为雄心勃勃的登月计划。Pictures show the robot walking, lifting heavy weights, using power tools, performing press-ups and even driving with Russian experts hoping it will one day be able to help build a base on the moon.图片表明,这个机器人能行驶、田径、用于电动工具、做到足尖,甚至还能驾车。俄罗斯专家期望他未来需要拜托创建月球基地。

Putins deputy premier Dmitry Rogozin said: This thing can work without a space suit, live not only in a crew vehicle, but even outside it. Its name is Fedor.俄罗斯副总理罗戈津称之为:“这个机器人叫作费多尔,他不穿着宇航服也可以工作,且不仅能在太空舱中存活,甚至在舱外也讫。”He claimed the war in Syria had shown Russia the importance of robots in difficult environments, and promised Fedor would make its space debut in five years.罗戈津声称,叙利亚战争已向俄罗斯指出机器人在险恶环境中的重要性,并允诺费多尔将在5年内亮相太空。Putin has also instructed his space chiefs to make a first landing on the moon within 15 years.普京还命令俄罗斯宇航局负责人在15年内构建费多尔首次登月。A key task for Fedor will be to assist in construction and use of bases on the moon and potentially other planets, said its Russian designers FPI.俄罗斯设计团队FPI回应,费多尔的关键任务将是“帮助建设和用于月球以及其他潜在行星上的基地”。

The robot can crawl, stand up after falling down, take and leave drivers seat in a car, use tools and operate in a regular building.机器人费多尔可以“爬上、摔倒后自行双脚、出入车辆驾驶位,同时还需要利用一些工具并在一些普通建筑中已完成一些操作者任务”。Fedor stands 6ft tall, weighs between 106-160 kg depending on extra equipment, and can lift up to 20 kg of cargo.费多尔低6英尺(大约1.8米),体重在106-160公斤之间,明确各不相同额外配有的设备,可以高举20公斤重的货物。During space walking missions and on other planets, astronauts will rely on robots, said Sergei Khurs, head of the project and director of the National Centre for Technology Development and Basic Robotics.俄罗斯国家机器人技术发展中心负责人、项目主管Sergei Khurs回应,“在太空行走或在其他星球期间,宇航员将倚赖机器人已完成任务。

”Their capabilities are equal to those of humans, and in some ways even exceed them.“他们的能力和人类不相上下,在某些方面甚至打破了人类。”Vladimir Solntsev, general director of Russian rocket-making corporation Energia, said: Our involvement in the Fedor-based space robot project will bring us to the next level in the development of robotic technologies.俄罗斯“能源”火箭生产公司董事长弗拉基米尔.索恩采夫说道:“太空机器人项目的工作让我们的机器人研发技术提高至全新水平。”Alexander Grebenshchikov, director of the TSNIImash laboratory of space robotics, said: Every hour of work of cosmonauts on space walks costs from $2 million to $4 million (USD). TSNIImash太空机器人实验室负责人Alexander Grebenshchikov说道:“俄罗斯宇航员在太空中行驶一小时的成本为200万至400万美元。

”The use of robots for routine operations in the future will also spare additional time of the crew for leisure or for the fulfillment of other important tasks.“在未来利用机器人展开日常操作者将为宇航员节省出有时间多睡觉,或者已完成其他最重要任务。



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